Live filtering

If you have mutliple rows of data you'd like the use to be able to quickly sift through (perhaps combining with table sorting) we bundle the aptly named LiveFilter plugin. It is not loaded by default and you'll need to load LiveFilter/js/jquery.liveFilter.js.

There are many such JS plugins available, but we found this one to work well and do just enough and easily modldable to our needs.

Bonus notes
  • The sample input has had .clearable added so a clear icon shows after text has been added by the user.
  • We hint about the action that will be performed by placing a search icon to the left of the box, it does not however act as a button as the form is automatically updated on keypress.

Some content to scan

Live filtering HTML

<p>There are many such JS plugins available, but we found this one to work well and do just enough and <a href="">easily modldable to our needs</a>.</p>

<h5>Bonus notes</h5>
  <li>The sample <code>input</code> has had <code>.clearable</code> added so a clear icon shows after text has been added by the user.</li>
  <li>We hint about the action that will be performed by placing a search icon to the left of the box, it does not however act as a button as the form is automatically updated on keypress.</li>

<div class="row">

  <div id="livefilterdemo" class="callout columns medium-10 medium-push-1">
    <h3>Some content to scan</h3>
    <!-- <label class="">Type to filter these paper references</label> -->
    <div class="input-group">
      <span class="input-group-label"><i data-icon="1" class="icon icon-functional"></i></span>
      <input class="filter clearable input-group-field" type="text" value="" />
    <!-- <input class="reset" type="reset" value="ddd" /> -->

    <div class="row small-up-1 medium-up-2 large-up-3" data-equalizer>

        <div class="epmc_citation_container ng-scope live-filter-target-granularity column" data-equalizer-watch>
          <span class="label label-success ng-binding">0 citation<!-- ngIf: citation.citedByCount != 1 --><span ng-if="citation.citedByCount != 1" class="ng-scope">s</span><!-- end ngIf: citation.citedByCount != 1 --></span>
          <h5 class="epmc_citation_title">
            <a class="epmc_citation_link ng-binding" target="_blank" href="//">Evidence That GRIN2A Mutations in Melanoma Correlate with Decreased Survival.</a>
          <div class="epmc_citation_subdata small">
            <div class="epmc_citation_authors">
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;D'mello SA">
                D'mello SA</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Flanagan JU">Flanagan JU</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Green TN">Green TN</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Leung EY">Leung EY</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Furneaux CE">Furneaux CE</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;During MJ">During MJ</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Finlay GJ">Finlay GJ</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Baguley BC">Baguley BC</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Kalev-Zylinska ML">Kalev-Zylinska ML</a>
            <div class="epmc_citation_journal">
              <a href="//;Front Oncol&quot;" class="epmc_citation_link ng-binding">Front Oncol</a> <span class="ng-binding">2014 3<!-- ngIf: citation.issue -->:333</span>
            <div class="epmc_citation_source ng-binding">PMID:24455489 <!-- ngIf: citation.pmcid --><span ng-if="citation.pmcid" class="ng-binding ng-scope">PMCID:PMC3888952</span><!-- end ngIf: citation.pmcid --></div>
        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: citation in citations.all track by $index -->

        <div class="epmc_citation_container ng-scope live-filter-target-granularity column" data-equalizer-watch>
          <span class="label label-success ng-binding">10 citation<!-- ngIf: citation.citedByCount != 1 --><span ng-if="citation.citedByCount != 1" class="ng-scope">s</span><!-- end ngIf: citation.citedByCount != 1 --></span>
          <h5 class="epmc_citation_title">
            <a class="epmc_citation_link ng-binding" target="_blank" href="//">An enzyme assisted RP-RPLC approach for in-depth analysis of human liver phosphoproteome.</a>
          <div class="epmc_citation_subdata small">
            <div class="epmc_citation_authors">
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Bian Y">
                Bian Y</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Song C">Song C</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Cheng K">Cheng K</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Dong M">Dong M</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Wang F">Wang F</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Huang J">Huang J</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Sun D">Sun D</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Wang L">Wang L</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Ye M">Ye M</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Zou H">Zou H</a>
            <div class="epmc_citation_journal">
              <a href="//;J Proteomics&quot;" class="epmc_citation_link ng-binding">J Proteomics</a> <span class="ng-binding">2014 96<!-- ngIf: citation.issue -->:253-262</span>
            <div class="epmc_citation_source ng-binding">PMID:24275569 <!-- ngIf: citation.pmcid --></div>
        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: citation in citations.all track by $index -->

        <div class="epmc_citation_container ng-scope live-filter-target-granularity column" data-equalizer-watch>
          <span class="label label-success ng-binding">2 citation<!-- ngIf: citation.citedByCount != 1 --><span ng-if="citation.citedByCount != 1" class="ng-scope">s</span><!-- end ngIf: citation.citedByCount != 1 --></span>
          <h5 class="epmc_citation_title">
            <a class="epmc_citation_link ng-binding" target="_blank" href="//">Lys63-linked polyubiquitination of BRAF at lysine 578 is required for BRAF-mediated signaling.</a>
          <div class="epmc_citation_subdata small">
            <div class="epmc_citation_authors">
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;An L">
                An L</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Jia W">Jia W</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Yu Y">Yu Y</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Zou N">Zou N</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Liang L">Liang L</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Li G">Li G</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Yang J">Yang J</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Zhang H">Zhang H</a>
            <div class="epmc_citation_journal">
              <a href="//;Sci Rep&quot;" class="epmc_citation_link ng-binding">Sci Rep</a> <span class="ng-binding">2013 3<!-- ngIf: citation.issue -->:2344</span>
            <div class="epmc_citation_source ng-binding">PMID:23907581 <!-- ngIf: citation.pmcid --><span ng-if="citation.pmcid" class="ng-binding ng-scope">PMCID:PMC3731650</span><!-- end ngIf: citation.pmcid --></div>
        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: citation in citations.all track by $index -->

        <div class="epmc_citation_container ng-scope live-filter-target-granularity column" data-equalizer-watch>
          <span class="label label-success ng-binding">14 citation<!-- ngIf: citation.citedByCount != 1 --><span ng-if="citation.citedByCount != 1" class="ng-scope">s</span><!-- end ngIf: citation.citedByCount != 1 --></span>
          <h5 class="epmc_citation_title">
            <a class="epmc_citation_link ng-binding" target="_blank" href="//">Chromosomal assignment of two human B-raf(Rmil) proto-oncogene loci: B-raf-1 encoding the p94Braf/Rmil and B-raf-2, a processed pseudogene.</a>
          <div class="epmc_citation_subdata small">
            <div class="epmc_citation_authors">
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Eychène A">
                Eychène A</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Barnier JV">Barnier JV</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Apiou F">Apiou F</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Dutrillaux B">Dutrillaux B</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Calothy G">Calothy G</a>
            <div class="epmc_citation_journal">
              <a href="//;Oncogene&quot;" class="epmc_citation_link ng-binding">Oncogene</a> <span class="ng-binding">1992 7<!-- ngIf: citation.issue --><span ng-if="citation.issue" class="ng-binding ng-scope">(8)</span><!-- end ngIf: citation.issue -->:1657-1660</span>
            <div class="epmc_citation_source ng-binding">PMID:1630826 <!-- ngIf: citation.pmcid --></div>
        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: citation in citations.all track by $index -->

        <div class="epmc_citation_container ng-scope live-filter-target-granularity column" data-equalizer-watch>
          <span class="label label-success ng-binding">54 citation<!-- ngIf: citation.citedByCount != 1 --><span ng-if="citation.citedByCount != 1" class="ng-scope">s</span><!-- end ngIf: citation.citedByCount != 1 --></span>
          <h5 class="epmc_citation_title">
            <a class="epmc_citation_link ng-binding" target="_blank" href="//">B-raf, a new member of the raf family, is activated by DNA rearrangement.</a>
          <div class="epmc_citation_subdata small">
            <div class="epmc_citation_authors">
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Ikawa S">
                Ikawa S</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Fukui M">Fukui M</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Ueyama Y">Ueyama Y</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Tamaoki N">Tamaoki N</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Yamamoto T">Yamamoto T</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Toyoshima K">Toyoshima K</a>
            <div class="epmc_citation_journal">
              <a href="//;Mol Cell Biol&quot;" class="epmc_citation_link ng-binding">Mol Cell Biol</a> <span class="ng-binding">1988 8<!-- ngIf: citation.issue --><span ng-if="citation.issue" class="ng-binding ng-scope">(6)</span><!-- end ngIf: citation.issue -->:2651-2654</span>
            <div class="epmc_citation_source ng-binding">PMID:3043188 <!-- ngIf: citation.pmcid --><span ng-if="citation.pmcid" class="ng-binding ng-scope">PMCID:PMC363468</span><!-- end ngIf: citation.pmcid --></div>
        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: citation in citations.all track by $index -->

        <div class="epmc_citation_container ng-scope live-filter-target-granularity column" data-equalizer-watch>
          <span class="label label-success ng-binding">39 citation<!-- ngIf: citation.citedByCount != 1 --><span ng-if="citation.citedByCount != 1" class="ng-scope">s</span><!-- end ngIf: citation.citedByCount != 1 --></span>
          <h5 class="epmc_citation_title">
            <a class="epmc_citation_link ng-binding" target="_blank" href="//">Serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase SGK phosphorylates and negatively regulates B-Raf.</a>
          <div class="epmc_citation_subdata small">
            <div class="epmc_citation_authors">
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Zhang BH">
                Zhang BH</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Tang ED">Tang ED</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Zhu T">Zhu T</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Greenberg ME">Greenberg ME</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Vojtek AB">Vojtek AB</a>
              <a class="epmc_citation_link" target="_blank" href="//;Guan KL">Guan KL</a>
            <div class="epmc_citation_journal">
              <a href="//;J Biol Chem&quot;" class="epmc_citation_link ng-binding">J Biol Chem</a> <span class="ng-binding">2001 276<!-- ngIf: citation.issue --><span ng-if="citation.issue" class="ng-binding ng-scope">(34)</span><!-- end ngIf: citation.issue -->:31620-31626</span>
            <div class="epmc_citation_source ng-binding">PMID:11410590 <!-- ngIf: citation.pmcid --></div>
        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: citation in citations.all track by $index -->


    <!-- Include live filtering -->
    <!-- Note that we've loaded this with "defer", this technique may not be appropriate for your uses.
         If not, load this JS after jQuery. -->
    <script defer src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      window.addEventListener('load',function() {
        $(document).ready(function() {
            fitlerTargetCustomDiv: '',
            defaultText: 'Type to filter these paper references',
            noMatches: '<p>No matching papers found.</p><a class="button" href="#">You could add a link to advanced search</a> '

  </div> <!-- /livefilter -->

</div> <!-- /row -->

Live filtering Style

You can find the original source of the CSS as .scss

Live filtering

Have a use case that's not covered?

Please open an issue in the tracker. We'll update this living pattern library with your feedback.