
A quick index of styles. With a variety of text comes the need for many formatting styles, use this table as a helper.

Use Sample How to implement?
Citations Hi, I'm a citation! HTML <cite> element
Basic pullquotes
I'm being quoted here, or maybe just highlighted?
HTML <blockquote> element. Consider combining with the grid classes and float-left or float-right for a highlight look.
Emphasis pullquotes
I'm being quoted here and want to be noticed
HTML <blockquote> element with class .lead.
Emphasis pullquote with quotation mark and citation
I'm being quoted here and want to be noticed. Hi, I'm a citation!
HTML <blockquote> element with class .lead and .quote.
Small text I'm so small. CSS class .small
Lead intro text I'm some intro text. CSS class .lead
Read more Read more here CSS class .readmore
Read more (as a button) Read more here CSS class .readmore .button
Serif text For large narrative text areas, consider the CSS class .serif to use the "EB Garamond" font, which is also loaded by the font stylesheet. CSS class .serif
Serif text We use sans-serif by default, but maybe you need to force it for some reason? CSS class .sans-serif

Formatting HTML

      <th class="medium-2">Use</th>
      <th class="medium-6">Sample</th>
      <th>How to implement?</th>
      <td><cite>Hi, I'm a <a href="#">citation</a>!</cite></td>
      <td>HTML <span class="code">&lt;cite&gt;</span> element</td>
      <td>Basic pullquotes</td>
      <td><blockquote>I'm being quoted here, or maybe just highlighted?</blockquote></td>
      <td>HTML <span class="code">&lt;blockquote&gt;</span> element. Consider combining with the grid classes and float-left or float-right for a highlight look.</td>
      <td>Emphasis pullquotes</td>
      <td><blockquote class="lead">I'm being quoted here and want to be noticed</blockquote></td>
      <td>HTML <span class="code">&lt;blockquote&gt;</span> element with class <code>.lead</code>.</td>
      <td>Emphasis pullquote with quotation mark and citation</td>
      <td><blockquote class="lead quote">I'm being quoted here and want to be noticed. <cite class="text-right">Hi, I'm a <a href="#">citation</a>!</cite></blockquote></td>
      <td>HTML <span class="code">&lt;blockquote&gt;</span> element with class <code>.lead</code> and <code>.quote</code>.</td>
      <td>Small text</td>
      <td><span class="small">I'm so small.</span></td>
      <td>CSS class <code>.small</code></td>
      <td>Lead intro text</td>
      <td><span class="lead">I'm some intro text.</span></td>
      <td>CSS class <code>.lead</code></td>
      <td>Read more</td>
      <td><a href="#" class="readmore">Read more here</a></td>
      <td>CSS class <code>.readmore</code></td>
      <td>Read more (as a button)</td>
      <td><a href="#" class="button readmore">Read more here</a></td>
      <td>CSS class <code>.readmore</code> <code>.button</code></td>
      <td>Serif text</td>
      <td class="serif">For large narrative text areas, consider the CSS class <code>.serif</code> to use the "EB Garamond" font, which is also loaded by the font stylesheet.</td>
      <td>CSS class <code>.serif</code></td>
      <td>Serif text</td>
      <td class="sans-serif">We use sans-serif by default, but maybe you need to force it for some reason?</td>
      <td>CSS class <code>.sans-serif</code></td>

Formatting Style

You can find the original source of the CSS as .scss


Have a use case that's not covered?

Please open an issue in the tracker. We'll update this living pattern library with your feedback.