Search results for keratin

Showing 41 results out of 112,071 in All results

Protein sequences (51,402 results)


Source: UniProtKB ( ID: K2C7_HUMAN ) Related data Views
Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 7
Homo sapiens (Reviewed)
Secondary accession number(s): Q92676, Q9BUD8, Q9Y3R7



Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 1
Homo sapiens (Reviewed)
Secondary accession number(s): B2RA01, P85925, P86104, Q14720, Q6GSJ0, Q9H298

Source: UniProtKB



Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 18
Homo sapiens (Reviewed)
Secondary accession number(s): Q53G38, Q5U0N8, Q9BW26

Source: UniProtKB

View all 51402 results for Protein sequences

Protein families (51 results)



Source: Pfam
ID: Keratin


Keratins are a well known group of intermediate filament proteins. Like actin filaments, keratins are flexible but provide a firm cell skeleton. Unlike actin, however, no known keratins are associated with motor functions. This family represents avian keratin proteins, found in feathers, scale and ...

Source: InterPro
ID: IPR003461

Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 18

Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 18 (Keratin-18) is one of the major intermediate filament proteins in the human intestinal epithelia. When phosphorylated, it plays a role in filament reorganisation.

Source: InterPro
ID: IPR027695

View all 51 results for Protein families

Samples & ontologies (452 results)

keratin filament

Ontology: cellular component
A filament composed of acidic and basic keratins (types I and II), typically expressed in epithelial cells. The keratins are the most diverse classes of IF proteins, with a large number of keratin isoforms being expressed. Each type of epithelium always expresses a characteristic combination of ...

Source: GO
ID: GO:0045095

obsolete acidic keratin

Ontology: cellular component
OBSOLETE. A type of intermediate filament.

Source: GO
ID: GO:0045096

obsolete basic/neutral keratin

Ontology: cellular component
OBSOLETE. A type of intermediate filament.

Source: GO
ID: GO:0045097

View all 452 results for Samples & ontologies

Enzymes (7 results)

Trichoplein keratin filament-binding protein, putative

Trichoplein keratin filament-binding protein, putative

Source: Enzyme Portal

Keratin-associated protein 5-8, putative

Keratin-associated protein 5-8, putative

Source: Enzyme Portal

Peptidase K

Hydrolysis of keratin, and of other proteins with subtilisin-likespecificity. Hydrolyzes peptide amides.

Source: Enzyme Portal - Enzymes

View all 7 results for Enzymes

Nucleotide sequences (29,469 results)


Homo sapiens (human) partial keratin

Source: Coding (Release)
ID: AAB30058


Paralichthys olivaceus (Japanese flounder) partial keratin

Source: Coding (Release)
ID: BAB16373


Lampetra fluviatilis mRNA for keratin type II Lfl-K 1 (keratin gene)

Source: Sequence (Release)
ID: AJ401159

View all 29469 results for Nucleotide sequences

Genomes & metagenomes (7,156 results)

keratin 1

Approved Symbol: KRT1
Approved Name: keratin 1
Status: (Approved)
Aliases: KRT1A
Locus Type: gene with protein product
Chromosome: 12q13.13

Summary information is available for this gene

Source: HGNC
ID: HGNC:6412

keratin 2

Approved Symbol: KRT2
Approved Name: keratin 2
Status: (Approved)
Aliases: KRTE
Locus Type: gene with protein product
Chromosome: 12q13.13

Summary information is available for this gene

Source: HGNC
ID: HGNC:6439

keratin 3

Approved Symbol: KRT3
Approved Name: keratin 3
Status: (Approved)
Aliases: CK3 K3
Locus Type: gene with protein product
Chromosome: 12q13.13

Summary information is available for this gene

Source: HGNC
ID: HGNC:6440

View all 7156 results for Genomes & metagenomes

Literature (20,446 results)

Sedimentation studies of epidermal keratins: keratin A and keratin B.

(1956 May 25), The Journal of biophysical and biochemical cytology 2 (3) 361-3

ID: 13331966

Structure of alpha-keratin.

(1959 Feb 28), Nature 183 (4661) 592-4

ID: 13632803

Iodination of keratin.

(1953 Apr 25), Nature 171 (4356) 751

ID: 13054707

View all 20446 results for Literature

Reactions, pathways & diseases (625 results)

Keratin filament formation

Mammalian keratin filaments are produced by the lateral and longitudinal aggregation of subunits, such as tetrameric protofilaments and octameric protofibrils (Aebi et al. 1983). The extent of ... . 2007). Filaments have a cross-section of 32 keratin molecules (Jones et al. 1997).
Stable Id: R-HSA-6806610
Type: Reaction
Species: Homo sapiens

Source: Reactome
ID: 6806610

Formation of hair keratin fibres

... . Approximately 90% of cortical cells contain longitudinally arrayed keratin filaments. These filaments have a surrounding matrix that contains keratin-associated proteins (KAPs) that are involved in ... al., 2010, Gong et al. 2016). KAPs forming extensive disulfide cross-links with keratin filaments ...
Stable Id: R-HSA-6809663
Type: Reaction
Species: Homo sapiens

Source: Reactome
ID: 6809663

Keratin type I binds keratin type II

The first step in keratin assembly is the formation of coiled-coil heterodimers consisting of an acidic type I keratin and a basic or neutral type II keratin (Coulombe & Fuchs 1990, Hatzfeld & Webber ... form even in 9M urea (Coulombe & Fuchs 1990). The ~50 nm long middle rod region of keratin protein ...
Stable Id: R-HSA-6805546
Type: Reaction
Species: Homo sapiens

Source: Reactome
ID: 6805546

View all 625 results for Reactions, pathways & diseases

Gene expression (2,121 results)


Ovis aries KRT35, keratin, type I cuticular Ha5 [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_001108233], is expressed in 2 baseline experiment(s); breed: Gansu alpine fine wool sheep; developmental stage: juvenile, adult; organism part: inner lining mucosa of the abomasum, abomasum, rumen, skin of back, skin from ...

Source: Baseline Expression Atlas Genes
ID: ENSOARG00000016784


Xenopus tropicalis krt8.2, keratin 8, type II [Source:Xenbase;Acc:XB-GENE-876686], is expressed in 1 baseline experiment(s); organism part: kidney, liver

Source: Baseline Expression Atlas Genes
ID: ENSXETG00000014441


Rattus norvegicus LOC102557415, keratin-associated protein 5-1-like [Source:RGD Symbol;Acc:7596803], is expressed in 1 baseline experiment(s); organism part: spleen, colon; strain: F344/Cr1

Source: Baseline Expression Atlas Genes
ID: ENSRNOG00000030626

View all 2121 results for Gene expression

Molecular interactions (179 results)


keratin and keratin 18 association measured by antibody affinity

Source: IntAct Interactions
ID: EBI-445615


Mdm2 coimmunoprecipitates keratin 14 in H1299 cell extracts

Source: IntAct Interactions
ID: EBI-1247186


Keratin-like protein KRT222

Source: IntAct Interactors
ID: EBI-8473062

View all 179 results for Molecular interactions

Small molecules (2 results)


Source: ChEMBL Assay
ID: CHEMBL891642


Source: ChEMBL Assay
ID: CHEMBL891643

EBI web (16 results)

EMBL European Bioinformatics Institute

... gene, protein or chemical: Examples: blast, keratin, bfl1, Janet Thornton ...

Source: Site

Sorry, this page is not available < EMBL-EBI

Explore the EBI: Examples: blast, keratin, bfl1... We’re sorry but we can’t find the page or file you requested It may have been removed, had its name changed, or be temporarily unavailable. Our web server sees this as a 404 ...

Source: Site


... . AEO:JB AEO:JB endocrine gland. keratin-based structure AEO:0000099 Acellular anatomical structure whose predominant constituent is keratin. EHDAA2 ... whose predominant constituent is keratin. chitin-based structure AEO:0000100 ...

Source: Site

View all 16 results for EBI web

Protein expression data (136 results)

Incorporation of nonproteinogenic amino acids into bacterial proteome analyzed by unbiased quantitative MS of protein modifications

To study incorporation of nonproteinogenic amino acids in bacterial proteome we performed a global, unbiased protein modification analysis of the E. coli K12 strain with defective editing mechanism of the leucyl tRNA synthetase (LeuRS), which in addition to leucine incorporates a nonproteinogenic amino acid norvaline. We measured widespread loss of ...

Source: PRIDE
ID: PXD003468

Discovery proteomics on cutaneous biopsies

Lyme disease is the most important vector-borne disease in the Northern hemisphere and represents a major public health challenge. The disease diagnosis relies mainly on clinical practice that can be coupled to serological or molecular diagnostics. However the relatively low sensitivity and specificity of the available Lyme diagnostics indicate the ...

Source: PRIDE
ID: PXD000879

Proteomics of GPI-anchored proteins

GPI-anchored proteins (GPI-APs) are an important class of glycoproteins that are tethered to the surface of mammalian cells via the lipid glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI). GPI-APs have been implicated in many important cellular functions including cell adhesion, cell signaling, and immune regulation. Proteomic identification of mammalian GPI-APs ...

Source: PRIDE
ID: PXD001130

View all 136 results for Protein expression data